Join Us and Be A Part Of The God-Move!

1 Timothy 1:5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

Church Planting

At our core, we are passionate about planting churches and spreading the message of Hope and Love to communities far and wide. We believe that every person deserves the opportunity to experience the transformative power of faith and support of a vibrant church community. Over the years, We have been blessed to witness the growth and impact of our mission as we have successfully planted over 20 churches in various locations. These churches serve as beacons of light, providing spiritual guidance, fellowship and a safe space for individuals to explore and deepen their relationship with God. 

Our Church planting efforts are driven by a desire to meet the unique needs of every community we serve. we carefully select and train dedicated leaders who are passionate about sharing the gospel and making a positive difference in people’s lives. Through prayer, strategic planning, and collaboration with local partners, we establish sustainable and thriving churches that meet the unique needs of each community. Our diverse congregation brings together individuals from various backgrounds, talents, and experiences, creating a vibrant tapestry of faith and unity.

As we continue on this journey of church planting, we remain committed to empowering individuals, building strong communities, and spreading the love of Christ. We welcome you to Join us in this exciting endeavor as we plant seeds of faith, nature growth, and bring Hope to those seeking a spiritual home. Together we can make a lasting impact and transform lives.

Churches Planted

- ICC SetLight Church at KIU W/C
- Kibona Community Church


ICC Satelite Churches

- ICC Satelite Jinja
- ICC Satelite Mubende
- ICC Satelite Kiryandongo
- ICC Satelite Hoima
- ICC Satelite Lira
-ICC Satelite Fortportal

Prison Ministry

Prison ministry holds a special place in our heart as we believe in the power of redemption and restoration. It is our mission to bring hope, healing, and the Love of Godto those who are incarcerated. Through our Prison ministry, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals behind bars, supporting their spiritual growth and helping them find purpose and meaning in their journey.

We understand that everyone deserves a second chance, and our prison ministry aims to provide support, encouragement, and resources to help individuals transform their lives. We offer counseling, mentorship, and educational programs that equip inmates with the necessary tools to reintegrate into society and make positive choices upon their release.

Our dedicated team of volunteers regularly visit correctional facilities, conducting Bible studies, worship services, and individual counseling sessions. We believe in the power of forgiveness and the potential for transformation, and we walk alongside those in prison, offering them love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. 

Through our prison ministry, we strive to break the cycle of incarceration, offering Hope and a fresh start to those who need it most. We believe that every person has inherent worth and dignity, and we are committed to supporting the journey of healing and restoration for all individuals, regardless of their past mistakes. Together, we can make a difference and bring light into the lives of those affected by incarceration.

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.

Hebrews 13:3

Join Us Today For this Great Cause

Pastors and Leaders Conferences

Pastors and Leaders conferences are incredible opportunities for pastors and leaders to come together, learn from each other, and be inspired to continue their important work. These conferences are typically organized regularly, providing a space for pastors and leaders to gather, connect, and grow in their faith in leadership skills.

During these conferences, attendees have a chance to hear from experienced speakers and thought leaders who share their insight, personal stories, and practical advise. The sessions often cover a wide range of topics, including preaching, leadership development, pastoral care, and navigating the challenges of ministry. Through engaging presentations, workshops, and panel discussions, pastors and leaders can gain new perspectives, learn best practices and find encouragement to continue with their important work.

Additionally, pastors and leaders conferences offer a unique opportunities for networking and building relationships with fellow ministers. These connections can lead to ongoing support, collaboration, and the sharing of resources and ideas. The sense of camaraderie and community that is fostered at these conferences can be incredibly uplifting and provide pastors and leaders with a renewed sense of purpose and passion for their calling.

Pastor Sam Musigire Preaching at Ishaka Community Church

Women's Conference

Women's Conference 2023 at ICC

These are empowering and transformative gatherings designed specifically for women to come together, celebrate their unique strengths, and grow in their faith, leadership, and personal development. These conferences are organized regularly, providing a safe and supportive environment for women to connect, learn, and be inspired.

At women’s conferences, attendees have the opportunity to hear from influential speakers, leaders and experts who address a wide range of topics relevant to women’s lives.  We welcome you to join us and support this cause for the kingdom purpose.

Pastor Prosy Musigire Demonstrating
Women Praising God during the Women Conference
ICC choir Worshiping during the women's conference
The amazing Praise During the Conference

Spread Love

Street kids

Ishaka Community Church’s Orphanage Ministry, a beacon of love and compassion that reaches out to the most vulnerable in our community. In our relentless pursuit of making a positive impact, we focus on rescuing children from the streets, providing a home for orphans, and offering support to those with disabilities. At Ishaka Community Church, we are not just a community; we are a family, dedicated to showing God’s love and nurturing the potential within each child.

Spread Hope, Healing

Medical Outreaches

Join us in making a difference! We are dedicated to bringing essential medical care to remote areas in Uganda through our impactful medical outreaches. These camps are designed to reach underserved communities, providing check-ups, diagnosis, counselling, spiritual guidance and basic treatments to those in need. 

We have witnessed God changing lives through this program. Together we can make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families who lack access to proper healthcare.

Medical Outreach that was organised in Kibona
Pharmacist Kevin dispensing Drugs at the medical camp in Kibona Community Church
From the Left; Dr Olara and Dr Wataba Clerking patient at the Medical camp
Lab tests desk at the camp
From the Left: Dr. Joshua, Dr. Mercy, Dr. Isaac, Dr. Raymond and Dr. John dispensing drugs